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Technical Guidance for Preparing Sectoral Statistical Metadata for Pesawaran Regency Day 2
November 23, 2023 | Other Activities
Technical Guidance for Preparing Sectoral Statistical Metadata for Pesawaran Regency Day 2
Pesawaran, 23 November 2023 - Technical Guidance on Preparing Sectoral Statistical Metadata for Pesawaran Regency Day 2 at the Pesawaran One Center Room (Pesawaran Regent's Office). The Pesawaran Regency Communication, Informatics, Statistics and Coding Department is collaborating with the Pesawaran Regency BPS in an effort to accelerate the Implementation and Development of One Indonesian Data at the Pesawaran Regency Level.
In this activity, BPS Pesawaran Regency as the supervisor of sectoral statistics had the opportunity to provide guidance regarding recommendations for statistical activities for Regional Government Organizations (OPD) in the scope of Pesawaran Regency which were delivered by First Expert Statistician Ana Destriana, S.Si. In the future, hopefully this activity can be useful for the development of One Indonesian Data at the Pesawaran District Level.
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Pesawaran (BPS-Statistics Pesawaran Regency) Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 119 Pesawaran (35371) Telp : (0721) 94711 Email :