Rular Potential Census 2024 : Mission to Obtain Accurate Information - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pesawaran Regency

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Rular Potential Census 2024 : Mission to Obtain Accurate Information

Rular Potential Census 2024 : Mission to Obtain Accurate Information

May 2, 2024 | BPS Activities

The first day of the Rural Potential Census (Podes) 2024 has commenced, marking the beginning of a significant effort by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) to gather accurate and comprehensive data regarding the potentials of villages across Indonesia. The Podes data collection team from BPS Pesarawan District has ventured into the field with high spirits, ready to map out the potentials of each village, sub-district, and regency/city.

Podes is not merely a typical survey; it is the only comprehensive territorial census conducted by BPS. The data generated from Podes carries significant implications, not only for the preparation of the upcoming economic census but also for long-term development planning.

Throughout the period of May 2-31, 2024, data collection officers move from village to village, gathering information on various aspects of community life, ranging from social and economic dimensions to infrastructure and regional facilities. The data collected will not only serve as the basis for the 2026 economic census but will also be utilized for various other purposes, such as:

- Updating the Master File of Villages (MFD): Podes will provide the necessary data to update the existing village database.

- Determination of Village Classification/Typology: Information obtained from Podes will aid in identifying the characteristics and typologies of villages, enabling more targeted planning.

- Updating Statistical Area Maps: The collected data will be used to update statistical work area maps, ensuring accurate information for area-based statistical analysis.

- Village Development Analysis: Podes will provide material for various analyses, including the identification of underdeveloped villages, disaster-prone villages, and villages with geographical challenges, all of which are crucial elements in inclusive and sustainable development planning.

- Development Indicator Calculation: The collected data will serve as the basis for calculating various development indicators and village progress, providing a better understanding of socio-economic progress at the local level.

With spirit and dedication, the Podes data collection officers from Pesarawan District are ready to face the challenges in obtaining accurate and comprehensive information about village potentials. Through these efforts, it is hoped that the data generated will serve as a strong foundation for sustainable and inclusive development planning across Indonesia.

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